Aging is about change Of course we have all been changing, and aging, from the moment we were born—physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. There are many myths about growing older. In these articles, we strive to debunk the misconceptions and speak candidly about the most common changes of our later years.
Age is fluid
Line up a group of people who are 65 and older and you will see remarkable variation. Have them stand in chronological order and you may be surprised that some individuals in the later years will appear to have more vigor than others in the younger years. This exercise is not about passing judgment. It’s simply to show that there is a distinction between “aging” (the chronological fact of living longer) and “decline.” While the functions of the physical body do decline over time, the rate of change is different for everyone.
It helps to begin with an understanding of the normal process of physical aging. And—especially for those who are not yet experiencing them—learning how those changes affect our lives on a daily basis and in the big picture.
The normal changes of aging and the necessary daily lifestyle adjustments that go with them are easiest to see by looking at the five senses. Vision, hearing, touch, taste, and smell are how we experience our world. They greatly affect our understanding and often, our joy. Even normal changes to our senses create some risks and usually result in the need to do things differently in order to adapt.
Vision More than one-quarter (28 percent) of persons over age seventy have experienced at least some vision loss. The normal changes of aging have potentially serious effects:
Difficulty seeing up close. (Glasses or contacts can usually remedy this problem.)
Need for more light, because we don’t have the receptors we used to.
Reduced ability to judge distance. This can have serious consequences for driving, because we have trouble judging the speed of oncoming cars, making a left-hand turn, or entering the freeway.
Problems with glare. Adjusting to light and dark takes the eyes much longer than we are used to. This makes driving at night difficult and dangerous. As a result, we tend to stay home in the evenings and are unable to go out easily to nighttime events.
More than three-quarters of legally blind individuals are people over age sixty-five who lost their sight because of age-related diseases. The most common diseases include glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy.
Hearing Nearly one-quarter of persons age sixty-five to seventy-four and half of those age seventy-five and older have a disabling hearing loss. It’s not only a matter of volume, but also being unable to hear words clearly. Loss of hearing has deep consequences.
Injury. Not hearing can lead to a greater chance of injury, particularly involving cars, when we may not hear one approaching. In addition, persons with even mild hearing loss are three times more likely to experience falls than are persons without. Scientists are unclear why. The fact that the inner ear plays such a large role in balance may be part of the reason.
Social isolation. Difficulty hearing tends to cause people to withdraw socially. We lose our relationships when we lose our hearing!
While technology aids are improving, they are expensive. Less-expensive versions tend to amplify all noises, which is not ideal. As a result, only 30 percent of older adults with hearing loss use hearing aids.
Other hearing impairments include tinnitus, an often-constant ringing, buzzing, or swishing noise in the ears.
Although the impact of hearing impairment is profound, it is frequently overlooked as a disability.
Touch The sense of touch involves not only the skin, but also our nerves and brain. As we age, our sensitivity to touch, temperature, pressure, vibration, and the position of our body changes. Reduced sensitivity can have serious outcomes:
Burns. We may not feel that something is too hot. It’s important to set the temperature of the water heater to no higher than 120° to avoid burns.
Hypothermia or frostbite. We can’t rely on our bodies to judge the temperature outside. Check an outdoor thermometer when it’s cold, and dress accordingly.
Infection. By not feeling pain as acutely, we may be unaware that a sore or infection is developing. It’s important to check the skin regularly for injuries, especially the feet.
Taste Eating is one of life’s pleasures. However, the taste buds lose their sensitivity with age, and the tongue has fewer of them. Following are some of the pitfalls:
Oversalting or oversweetening foods. As a result, older adults are often tempted to put more salt or sugar on their food than they did in their younger years. This can lead to problems for those on special diets.
Malnutrition. When food becomes less tasty, it can also become unappealing, leading to weight loss and poor nutrition.
Fortunately, taste is rarely lost completely, and texture—crunchy or chewy foods—can be emphasized for variety.
Smell The ability to perceive odors declines with age, especially after age seventy. While outwardly this might seem to have some benefits, there are definite disadvantages:
Reduced pleasure in eating. For those who relate smells to the joy of food, it can reduce the pleasure of eating.
Potential to get sick from spoiled foods. A weak “sniffer” can cause problems because it’s more difficult to tell if food has gone bad.
Greater likelihood of injury. It’s harder to smell smoke in the case of a fire. Or a gas leak. It’s important to be sure that smoke and carbon monoxide detectors have fresh batteries and are tested regularly.
There is no one explanation of aging. More than 300 theories exist to explain physical decline. Some relate to environmental factors (exposure to air pollution, or things that we do, like drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco). About 25 percent of aging can be attributed to cellular changes that are more genetic in nature.
On the cellular level, the simplest explanation is that aging occurs as components in our cells wear out over time. This process begins in our twenties.
The cells in our body are constantly being replaced. Over the years, those cells don’t reproduce as accurately or as quickly as they did before. Our cellular repair systems don’t cull out dead or misfiring cells as effectively. Bodily processes become less efficient. Healing takes longer. Everything slows down.
Whether it’s a blood cell, a bone cell, a nerve cell, a digestive cell, a muscle cell, etc., all cells and systems are affected. Our immune system becomes weaker, and we are unable to fight disease as effectively. Our digestive system doesn’t extract nutrients as well as it used to. You get the picture.
And this doesn’t count the cellular impact of our lifestyle choices or environmental exposures.
Such changes are not noticeable in younger people. But as the years accumulate, so do those little changes. The inefficiencies become more obvious. And they have consequences.
The changes in the five senses—smell, sight, hearing, taste, and touch—for instance, are part of the normal process of aging. The cellular errors of aging, however, can also open doorways for mutations (cancer), infections, or other chronic conditions.
We are living longer!
Only one-hundred years ago, the average person lived to their mid-fifties. Now the average life expectancy is in the late seventies. According to the Social Security Administration, if you’ve made it to sixty-five already, there’s a 54% chance you will see your ninetieth birthday if you are a nonsmoking healthy female (43% chance for nonsmoking healthy males). For smokers, those numbers are 35% for females and 23% for males.
Are we living well?
Although we are living longer lives, many of those years are spent managing multiple chronic conditions. Diabetes. High blood pressure. Congestive heart failure. COPD. Alzheimer’s and other dementias. It is these chronic conditions that can profoundly affect our daily experience of life.
And it’s our daily lived experience that creates our quality of life. The joy in our days. In this sense, “living well” is not about our material belongings, although financial worries do diminish quality of life. “Living well” tends to be our satisfaction or pleasure in our ability to do what we want. It’s our relationships, our autonomy for making decisions, and our feeling of purpose or meaning in life. Ultimately, “quality” can be defined only by each of us personally.
Living well—and therefore aging well—is a balance between quantity and quality of life. This means having enough health to do what gives us joy, and the time to engage in those pleasant, meaningful activities.
Lessons from centenarians (people who live to be one hundred)
While our lifespan is of course affected by genetics, it turns out that is only 20%–30% of the picture. A pioneering international study looked at cultural and lifestyle habits of five communities around the world—in the United States, Greece, Italy, Costa Rica, and Japan. These communities were special because they had low rates of chronic disease and an extremely high proportion of people who live well into their nineties and even one hundreds. Dubbed “blue zones,” the communities shared nine qualities across four domains:
Move naturally. Ideally, physical activity would be just a natural part of living. Rather than going to the gym, people in blue zones walk a lot. They garden, and participate in other physical activities over the course of their daily chores and interactions. Other research suggests at least 75 minutes of vigorous activity or 150 minutes of moderate activity per week will add to health and longevity.
Eating food in moderation. Rather than eating until full or stuffed, people in blue zones tend to “leave room” by stopping when they feel 80% sated, not 100%. Along similar lines, their smallest meal is in the late afternoon or early evening. They refrain from eating at night, essentially fasting until breakfast. Other studies demonstrate that eating slowly and chewing longer can reduce hunger and increase feelings of fullness sooner.
“Plant slant.” Meat is eaten only five times a month or so. Instead, the vast majority of foods eaten in blue zone communities are from plant sources: Legumes (beans, peas, lentils), nuts, whole grains, and vegetables. These foods provide protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They also provide unsaturated (good) fats. Together they promote heart health, a healthy gut, and reduced chance of metabolic syndrome (prediabetes).
Moderate wine consumption. With the exception of one community (which abstains completely), people in blue zones drink one, perhaps two glasses of wine per day. Other research suggests that red wine is associated with heart health and a longer life. This may be because of the antioxidants found in red grapes.
Social network
Strong social and intergenerational connections. Persons dedicated to a life partner benefit with three additional years of life expectancy. Having elders nearby who interact with children also seemed to be beneficial for all. We are social beings. The COVID-19 pandemic taught us that feeling connected—that we belong and have meaningful relationships—is important to well-being.
Belonging to a faith-based community. Meeting weekly with others who share a spiritual focus seems to add four to fourteen years of life expectancy. One theory is that the sense of awe or transcendence—meaning beyond the self—is a contributing factor. Other research seems to indicate that the social connection is helpful. Also, that people involved in faith communities typically have lower rates of depression.
Healthy friends. Good habits are contagious. Ideally, those in your social network support the type of healthy living you believe in.
Approach to life
Rest and relaxation. People in blue zone communities allow themselves to sleep until they feel rested. They have active strategies for setting aside worries during some part of the day (for example, prayer, naps, a social hour). This is confirmed by other research, which suggests seven hours of sleep at night and a short daytime nap (thirty minutes or less) are beneficial for both the heart and the brain.
Purpose. Having a sense of purpose, a reason to get up in the morning, provides seven added years to life expectancy.
With a focus on social, spiritual, and physical well-being, elders in these communities seem to have found a balance that allows them to live long and well. One doesn’t have to adopt all the habits to feel the benefit. Some will be easy or appeal more than others. Learning to age well is about making informed, conscious choices that feel right for you.
It can be hard to accept, but at some point the physical challenges of aging will become unavoidable. Each of us will have the experience of losing our abilities. Eventually we will succumb.
It may be a crisis that lands us in the hospital. Or a terminal illness that allows us to die at home. It could be a heart attack. Or we could die because our organ systems gradually shut down and simply can’t function anymore.
The last few days
On the day we die, we will usually have been in and out of consciousness for a week or more. Unlike in the movies, very few people are awake, aware, or talking. The person may seem to be seeing or reacting to people the rest of us can’t see (hallucinations). Breathing will have become erratic and take on a gurgled sound, sometimes called the “death rattle.” Hands and skin will be cold to the touch. Eventually, the heart and lungs will find it too difficult to continue, and one breath will simply not be followed by another. The heart will stop.
The three pathways Of course, everyone hopes for a quick and painless death. To die in our sleep, perhaps.
It used to be that most deaths were the result of injury or disease. They tended to be quick and often unexpected.
With modern medicine, things have changed. Now we tend to die with multiple chronic conditions that have been managed more and more aggressively over time. Eventually, one condition overpowers the body and becomes the actual cause of death.
Sometimes it helps to know what to expect.
Dying is actually a process that goes on for months (even years, depending on the condition). There are three general pathways or patterns of decline:
Episodes of crisis with adjustments in between. In our older years, most of us manage well enough. We adapt. Then something happens. There’s a fall. A sickness. A surgery. We bounce back, but not to the level of health and vitality we had before. We find a new normal, and cruise along. Then something else happens. We dip down, and we recover. Again, just not back to where we had been. As a rule, over time, these dips occur more frequently, and the bounce back is lower each time. This is a common pathway for people with CHF or COPD, for instance.
A short and rather steep decline. Some of us will get a disease, such as cancer. If it is not the kind that can be cured, it has a relatively steep (short) decline.
A gradual decline. Some of us reach advanced years with few chronic conditions and very few crises. This pathway is a bit different. One simply becomes more frail. We lose weight and become easily fatigued. We walk more slowly and become less active. That doesn’t mean we are unhappy. It’s just that the physical body sort of dwindles. Usually it is an infection, such as pneumonia, that finally tips the scale. As an example, this gradual decline is the general pathway for Alzheimer’s disease.
As we learn more about the immune system, it appears that the aging process includes malfunctions that keep the body in a more constant state of battle. Usually the immune system senses a “foreign” invader (for example, a bacteria or virus). It marshals its warrior cells and attacks. This is when we might notice redness, swelling, pain, or a fever. Then, once the threat subsides, the immune system shuts down the attack cells and starts cleaning up the debris. We need the full inflammation process to protect our health.
With age, however, the immune system doesn’t stop and return to normal as readily as before. Instead of resolving, we move from an acute response to an ongoing chronic response. This is called “chronic inflammation.” It appears that chronic inflammation may be at the root of several conditions that become more common as we age:
Heart disease
Autoimmune conditions
If the person you care for has any of these conditions, ask the doctor if chronic inflammation might be a factor and whether measures to reduce it might be helpful.
Chronic inflammation can occur in many different parts of the body, so there is a wide array of symptoms. There isn’t always a blood test or specific method for diagnosing it. Talk to the doctor if you notice your loved one complaining of any of the following:
Depression, anxiety, or other mood disorders
Brain fog
Prediabetes (also known as “metabolic syndrome” or “insulin resistance”)
Persistent infections
Skin rashes
Dry or gritty eyes
Joint or muscle pain and stiffness
Fatigue and muscle weakness
Gastrointestinal issues (diarrhea or constipation)
Unexplained weight gain or loss
Balance issues, especially when walking
Ways to reduce chronic inflammation There are lifestyle approaches that can help the body fight chronic inflammation, or at least turn the tide quicker toward the resolution phase when an inflammation does occur.
Avoiding foods that promote inflammation. Highly processed foods. Cured meats such as hot dogs or deli meats. Fried foods or foods with trans fats.
Eating a Mediterranean diet or Dash diet. Both diets include lots of high fiber to help sweep away the debris of inflammation. Lentils and beans. High-fiber vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, and kale. Whole grains. Blueberries, strawberries, and cherries are examples of antioxidant fruits that also help with cleanup. Good fats help reduce inflammation. Omega 3s, for instance, are found in fatty fishes such as salmon and sardines. Nuts and seeds have healthy fats, as do avocados, olives, and olive oil.
Exercising 150 minutes a week. That’s just thirty minutes over five days in a week. The activity helps the body process out the dead cells.
Sleeping seven to eight hours a night. Adequate sleep allows the brain to clear out debris such as damaged cells and harmful proteins that build up during the day.
Stop smoking. Tobacco in any form causes the immune system to go on alert. Give the body a break so it doesn’t have to go into fight mode every time your loved one lights up a cigarette.
Arizona Care Management solutions is an exceptional resource for elders. I have referred to this company for decades because they are ethical, knowledgable and reputable. For families and their loved ones they offer safe, personalized and secure solutions that are essential for families and their loved ones during periods of transition. They are familiar with local resources and will find the right solution for your unique needs. Beware of inferior company’s claiming to be elder care advisors. They may lack the expertise, credentials, ethics and knowledge that families need in a time of crisis. I highly recommend Bonnie Shimko and her team! Sincerely, Mary T. Pearson owner, Harmony Home Care
I owned an assisted-living home in Prescott Valley, for eight years and I had many clients who unfortunately did not have family local to help them with their finances or did not have the knowledge needed to properly prepare and budget for the outrageous cost of Care needed for a loved one or themselves. AZ Care Management helped several of my clients navigate challenging systems like long-term healthcare insurance, in-home care and The most complicated Arizona Long Term Care System (ALTCS). Bonnie and her incredibly compassionate team were always there for the client no matter how small or how great their needs were they truly were there until the very end, ensuring a peaceful transition with support and guidance for the families through every step. I would highly recommend AZ Care Management services to anyone who needs help navigating the complicated system of healthcare while aging.
Our family of 5 children was beyond frustrated. We could not convince my mother to move to the facility she herself had picked out and home was no longer a safe option. Stephanie was an angel who formed a caring relationship with mom and maintained her dignity and self esteem during the transition. She went above and beyond what was expected, and we all heeded her advice. I honestly don't know what we would have done without Arizona Care Management! (And I am a nurse!)
I have both professional and personal experience with Arizona Care Mngmt. Their team is excellent from the first phone call through receiving services. Each team member displays professionalism, respect and an obvious care for those they work with. I strongly recommend trusting this team with your own care and those you care for.- Bonnie Pond, Occupational Therapist
Amazing service!! Always willing to help and all caregivers I worked with were very nice, respectful and knowledgeable. Bonnie is a wealth of knowledge is all things related to this business of caring for elderly. My last caregiver assigned to my Aunt was Rick!!! He is amazing and very accommodating. He went above and beyond to help us both while on hospice services. He always communicated with me and kept me informed of any changes in Joyce's condition.
Gina has been extremely helpful in managing difficult situations with my mother who insists on aging out of state, far from any family members. She keeps my sister and me informed and allows for our peace of mind. She truly cares about my mother's well-being!
ACMS and Bonnie Shimko are literal dreams come true and I can't overstate that. This group of humans are truly everything. Looking after two ailing parents by myself for a while, I'd daydream about finding a competent and kind group to help me navigate that ever-complicating world. I was in charge of meds, safety, doc visits, clinic visits, short term/long term health goals and a hurricane of worries too numerous to mention. I searched everywhere, I tried different places... in every single outfit, caregiving was a task prone to slip-ups like any profession. However, my parents health is not a task to be completed- it's a living, changing reality. It's a newborn that requires constant monitoring and adjustments. Bonnie (as well as Leoni & Andrea) are so far beyond competent and kind that it makes my head spin on a weekly basis. Each one is as engaged as a family member. They attend every doc, hospital or clinic visit, they organise & automate meds and they're prompt & lovely. We had some recent ER and hospital stays and they showed up like my parents were the most important people in the world. I can't say enough about these folks, obviously. I love them. I would ABSOLUTELY spend my days worried if I didn't have them in my corner. If you'd worried you'd never find the kind of care your parents deserve- congratulations, it exists. The craziest part? I'd sell my stuff to look after my dad... yet I can't believe how modestly they charge for this level of care. I tell ya... dream come true.
My sisters and I were struggling with living in different states than our parents, and wanting our parents to continue living in the home that they built together. Our father is experiencing dementia and our mother is his caretaker, but is also declining in health. Bonnie and her team have been instrumental in allowing them to continue to stay at home by coordinating care for our mother. They attend appointments, assist with transportation, and communication for us. Bonnie is a fabulous resource for knowing providers, home care agencies, and other resources in the community. During Covid she was instrumental in getting our mother treatment in the hospital and being her advocate we none of our family was able to be with her. Bonnie has gone above and beyond several times. I truly don't know what we would do without Bonnie and her team. I don't think mom and dad would be able to be in their home. I could not recommend Arizona Care Management Solutions more.
When it became clear my mom was rapidly declining due to alzheimer's, and in an unsafe living situation, finding Bonnie from AZ Care Management Solutions was a literal God-send to our family. For months, we were beating our heads against a wall, as we had no idea how to proceed, searching for answers, as we were battling a very controlling/abusive husband as well. When we finally found Bonnie, she took a personal interest in my mom. She listened to our issues. She gave us direction, advice and calmed our hearts with her care and expertise. The very next day she was at my mom's home assessing the situation. She then took the time to work with us on a rapid plan of escape for mom. Bonnie then coordinated, and was on scene with us with APS and PD during the rescue. After getting mom to safety, Bonnie directed us to excellent legal counsel for mom's finances, getting her the best care possible, and ensuring all was legal from her escape to conservator/guardianship. Bonnie's knowledge, experience in this arena and love for others made her and AZ Care Management Solutions a literal life saver for my mom.Since my mom needed 24 hour care, we put her in a very nice care home, and hired Gina from AZ Care Mgmt Solutions as an advocate, who also has a heart for others, and has been seeing my mom twice a week to check on her status, entertain, play games, paint fingernails, coordinate outings, etc. This take tremendous pressure off of us, who can't get there as often. Gina also has natural ability and experience to relate and connect with alzheimer's patients that we don't. My mom loves Gina, and would not have adjusted nearly as well to the change without Gina's help.Thank you and God Bless all of you at AZ Care Management Solutions.
I have been with Arizona Care Management Solutions 6 years and I love the company, my caregivers have been great and so helpful going out of their way to help.
AZ Care Management Solutions sponsored a caregiver day of renewal on 5/6/23. A vendor fair, chair massages, and presentations along with a light breakfast, lunch and giveaways were included. Thank you!
After my mom fell and broke her hip, I was alone in trying to figure out how to best care for her in this maze of what is the senior health care industry.I had been trying to pull together what felt like 1000 pieces of disparate information......places to see, insurance companies, doctors to call, forms to be filled out, questions to answer. I was completely overwhelmed and under much stress.I am so incredibly thankful that I finally called Bonnie and scheduled a consultation. She was clear, knowledgable and so understanding. She immediately started making phone calls to find out the answers to some of my questions, and knew the answers to the other ones.I ended up asking her for further help and I will be forever grateful I did.She helped me move through a very difficult time with her knowledge, presence and help. She was there when I needed her and she knew exactly what to do. And she is fair, compassionate and has great integrity.My mom is now in a perfect place for her, and it all happened with as much ease as was possible.Thank you Bonnie, and everyone else we interacted with at AZ CareManagement.I don't know how I would have managed this journey without you.
Bonnie and Bob at Arizona Care Management went way above and beyond in helping me place my sister in a care facility to live out her last few months. Bonnie set up a medical transport from Newport Oregon to Arizona so that my sister could spend her final days looking at the beautiful scenery she cherished so much as a park ranger. The home in Cottonwood was well staffed and professionally managed and Bonnie and Bob made sure everything ran smoothly as I am on the east coast and care coordination was difficult to manage for me. Thank you both again for all you have done for my sister and our family during this difficult time.
Professionally, ACMS has such integrity in the services they offer. Care Managers are service oriented. This has been a positive experience in the world of senior health care!
I own two assisted living homes in the area and have worked with Bonnie, Bob and their staff several times. They always have the best interest of their client in mind when finding a long term solution for the family. It has always been my pleasure to accept one of their clients into my home. They continue to stay in touch with the family and assist them with any need they might have.If you are in need of an Elder Care advisor, I wholeheartedly recommend Arizona Care Management Solutions! If you live out of our area, you can count on them to fill in when you can't be here in person!
I live in Massachusetts and my 92 year old dad lived in Sedona. I was called in to take over his care because he could no longer live independently. I literally did not know where to turn. A social worker recommended Bonnie and her team to me. What a relief. They helped me get the necessary paperwork to handle his affairs while also finding him a safe and loving environment where he got the care he needed. He thrived there for nearly 6 months. During that time, I was kept abreast of his health and care by Holly. He enjoyed his visits with her and the treats she brought with her! I highly recommend Arizona Care Management to anyone needing help with their loved ones. They are excellent and I’m so glad they were recommended to me.
As the owners of GENERATIONS SENIOR LIVING LLC, we have the opportunity to work with Bonnie, Bob and the rest of the team at AZ Care Management Solutions with some frequency. Bonnie is absolutely the hardest working person we know! She has the knowledge base and the support team behind her to truly advocate for your loved one and they do a very good job! From assisting with POA paperwork, in-home care, assisting with MD appointments, or actual placement of your family member into a facility...... these guys can get it done!!! We highly recommend them.... Josh and Jamie Elliott
Most of us do not have any experience or training on how to make decisions or select assisted living accommodations. This group was a life saver in selecting a care giver, legal restructuring and finding a home. This was my first time dealing with dementia and I was guided down the path with their professional staff.
When I was having a hard time getting my dad's assisted living place to respond to his needs Gina stepped in with a firm hand and made things happen on Dad's behalf. She is kind, dedicated, tenacious, and extremely experienced and knowledgeable in this field. Bonnie has helped facilitate communication between me and a family member from whom I am estranged to make sure that all family members have access to the information about Dad that they want to have. AZ Care Management has been absolutely VITAL to me in helping me get difficult things done for Dad. I can't imagine navigating these challenging waters without them.
When our daughter was moved to Cottonwood for more extensive care, my husband and I were not able to travel for frequent dr. visits. We were not able, because we are both in our 80s, to visit as frequently as we wanted. AZ Cares takes her to appointments. They also provide very personable and capable assistants who take her on outings to provide social and emotional support for her in our absence. I cannot praise them enough for the support and help they have given our daughter and us. They are a blessing to us!
Arizona Care Management Solutions did a great job keeping my mom as safe as possible in her home for the last year. Once Gina came on board, she managed to do what I thought would be impossible - she convinced my mom to transition to living arrangements that would provide the care she really needed! Gina held her hand every step of the way, even through some VERY challenging situations. This lady has a heart of gold and can get things done!
As a Geriatrics/Internal Medicine specialist I relied on Bonnie and staffto find the best outpatient care for our patients. Her heart is passionate for the care of our seniors, and regards that as her mission in life. And I wasalways confident that Care Management Solutions would find the bestoptions for our families. God bless her! Dr. Paul C. Hanson of Cottonwood Internal Medicine
Bonnie, Bob and the team at AZ Care Management Solutions simply go above and beyond as advocates for seniors. Whether you may need assistance coordinating care, evaluating local facilities for placement, creating a plan for aging well or many other elder care services, you will find no organization more qualified or prepared to assist you than AZ Care Management Solutions. As a local Medicare insurance broker for several years, it is paramount that my clients have the right people in their corner. I have - and will continue to - recommend Bonnie and Bob and their team to any of my clients without hesitation.